I grow high-quality culinary-quality garlic for seed and table. using organic methods and mulch with hay from my own field.
The variety is Music, which makes large bulbs, containing 4-6 large, juicy, flavorful cloves each. People love how easy and quick it is to peel and eat. Perfect for pesto, aioli, pizza, garlic bread, and garlic salt. Farmers love to sell it at the farmstand because customers appreciate the large cloves, which save them time in the kitchen. It is also just a handsome variety that sells briskly
All of my garlic is grown with music as a cultivation technique. I plant and harvest the crop entirely using help from my home community in Belfast, Maine, which turns out to the tune of 30-40 volunteers all singing and planting, singing and harvesting with me each year in October and August. We think of it as the chorus’ crop and I send each chorus member and volunteer home with tons of garlic to try to get them through the winter.
That’s why we say it’s Made with Music!